Code of conduct

Dear all!

We want to create event experiences that connect, inspire and further develop the Checkmk Community. The basis for this is an environment, in which everyone feels safe, respected, and welcome to participate. Our CMK events have always been characterized by the idea of coming together, exchanging ideas and also celebrating together.

In order to continue to ensure this for everyone in a safe environment, we have defined this Code of Conduct as a framework for a common understanding.

Scope: to whom does this apply?

The Code of Conduct (CoC) described below is aimed at everyone present or involved in our Events & Conference - visitors, participants, speakers, workshop leaders, sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers and employees.

Positive behavior

We strongly believe it's important to pay attention to harmful language & behavior patterns. We can try and build a conducive atmosphere, in order to do so we may keep in mind the following:

  • Consider there might be people who are not very well versed in your language, thus be patient with them
  • Listen and be open when others speak and put forward their ideas/opinions
  • Disagreements happen; it’s okay to walk away from a conversation that isn't fruitful or is becoming tense
  • or to discuss it constructively
  • Respect the space and the 'no' to an issue or question
  • Do not assume anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, economic status, background or health status

Unacceptable Behavior

We want to provide a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, disability, sexual orientation, appearance, body type, skin color, political views or religion. We do not tolerate harassment and insult of any kind, as well as discrimination. Therefore, we ask all participants to refrain from the following behavior:

  • Offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, religion
  • Inappropriate physical contact or advances
  • Deliberate intimidation
  • Unwelcome sexual attention Stalking or following
  • Harassing photography or recording
  • Causing injury to attendees or any form of physical violence
  • Advocating for, or encouraging, any of the above behavior

All instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported.

Where to report an instance of harassment and how?

If you are being harassed, or you observe someone being harassed, please REPORT.

Reports may be registered by taking the following actions:

  1. Locating a member of the organizing team on-site. Team members can be identified by the Checkmk name badges (@CMK Conference).
  2. Emailing the Checkmk People & Culture Team >>

If you see something that you feel is inappropriate and contrary to the spirit of agreed upon conduct, say something to the person affected and remind them there is a process they can access.


All reports made will be kept confidential. When taking a personal report, our team members will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard.


Participants who violate these rules will be subject to sanctions by the organizer (Checkmk GmbH), which can also include expulsion from our current and future Conferences & Events without the right to a refund of the admission fee.