Watch the #CMKConf10 Livestream

Live from Munich, Germany


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11:00 - 11:10

Melina Weide

This is a big one – the 10th Checkmk Conference! 

State of Checkmk
11:10 - 11:20

Jan Justus

Let's use the conference anniversary to take a brief look back at the evolution of Checkmk over the last years and get a glimpse at what's ahead.

Checkmk 2.3 at a glance
11:20 - 12:30

Martin Hirschvogel

Zoom out to dive deep – what were the paradigms and priorities that shaped our latest release?

Learn about the major improvements coming in Checkmk 2.3.

New in 2.3: Powerful & efficient monitoring of web services
14:00 - 14:45

Marcel Arentz

Re-inventing one of the core features of Checkmk: monitoring of HTTP endpoints. How a necessity was turned into one of the best new features.

With Checkmk 2.3, you can monitor not only HTTP endpoints in unseen detail at scale with ease, but also monitor in-depth the certificates of any application!

Self service website monitoring with Checkmk
14:30 - 15:00

Thomas Schmitz & Michael Wulff (REWE digital)

Monitoring 3000+ websites can be a complex task. That's why we offer our customers a self-service solution that allows them to configure the monitoring of their websites themselves. Changes to the configuration files are automatically pushed to Checkmk via Gitlab pipelines. This means that changes to websites and check parameters are immediately available.

New in 2.3: Synthetic Monitoring has arrived!
15:00 - 15:45

Simon Meggle

When it comes to measuring the quality of applications, the only right perspective is the perspective of the user. With Checkmk 2.3, it is possible to monitor any application from exactly this perspective – thanks to Synthetic Monitoring, based on Robot Framework and Robotmk. In this talk, Simon presents the most important facts and features. 

New in 2.3: Next generation database monitoring
16:15 - 16:35

Marcel Arentz

Welcome to the future of database monitoring with Checkmk.
Now you can monitor all databases compatible with MS SQL queries with the redesigned MS SQL plug-in. The more powerful architecture enables monitoring of all local databases and in-depth monitoring of remote databases such as MS Azure SQL. 

MS SQL is just the beginning of the journey. Learn more about the background of this revolution, and the bright outlook ahead. 

New in 2.3: More developer APIs
16:35 - 17:15

Moritz Kiemer 

A better and more capable set of developer tools means even more extensibility for Checkmk. Tune in on the future of plug-in development, and how you can future-proof your work by coding with our new developer APIs.

New in 2.3: Improved UX
17:15 - 18:00

Tanja Hohenstatt

Checkmk gets more powerful every year, and you are deploying it in more advanced and dynamic environments. With increasingly complex infrastructures, a great user experience becomes imperative for a monitoring tool. 

Let our UX Designer Tanja walk you through our efforts to make using Checkmk more consistent, efficient, accessible and forgiving to work with. 

Energy efficiency in data centers measured, not guessed!
09:30 - 10:00

Babak Falsafi (Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne & President, SDEA) & Martin Hirschvogel (CPO, Checkmk)

Data centers are the backbone of our society. The continued growth in new data centers and their endless appetite for energy is, however, a major issue for our society. With power usage effectiveness hitting peak, we need to rethink energy efficiency in data centers.

Checkmk @ Deutsche Börse
10:00 - 10:45

Jens Kühnel (SysAdmin, Deutsche Börse)


Setting downtimes on related hosts/services automatically 
11:15 - 11:35

Gerd Stolz (Monitoring Lead, SVA) & Michael Hoess (Engineer, SVA)

vSphere reports an ESXi host in maintenance, or a host is set to downtime and goes offline, but now all the connected ports on your network switches report critical down states? These alerts can be prevented with our rule-based maintenance plug-in that sets downtimes automatically.

Think of it as service dependency light!

You should monitor your enterprise middleware!
11:35 - 12:05

Pedro Monteiro (CEO, Lynxmind)

Enterprise middleware is essential to almost any larger company for its software solutions to benefit from each other. Visibility is thus key and should be a priority for everyone. Learn how we extended Checkmk to monitor the TIBCO stack, one of the leading ecosystems in that field. We will share which metrics matter, and how you can make the most out of it in Checkmk.

A lesson, which you can use for any other enterprise middleware, or actually, any other Checkmk extension.

The horror of being an MSP
12:05 - 12:30

Sune Beermann (Runnerz)

How do you design a monitoring platform that doesn’t compromise on security while still being able to do the day-to-day tasks needed in a world of an MSP, where no customer is alike?

We needed a solution for our growing customer base moving to our Checkmk platform, and the original design was not up for the task.

Build with Almalinux, FreeIPA, HaProxy, Wireguard, Ansible, Foreman and much, much more, and last but not least FUN!

Checkmk Cloud – How I learned to stop worrying and love SaaS
14:00 - 14:25

Christian Reiser & Jonas Dieterle (Product Managers, Checkmk)

We started working on a SaaS product almost exactly two years ago. A big bet on an entirely new deployment mode that allows users to forget about the operational layers of Checkmk and instead simply focus on what matters most: great monitoring. 

We’re excited to give you an update and show you what we’ve built – join us in taking an in-depth look behind the curtains.

Cloud monitoring made simple: The future of multi-step workflows
14:25 - 14:45

Pung Manosroi (Product Manager, Checkmk)

Follow us on our journey reinventing the configuration of Checkmk. With the new cloud configuration wizard, we are introducing a new, simple mechanism for configuring multistep workflows in Checkmk.

No more jumping around in the UI. Get things done quickly. Start monitoring!

You will love Checkmk notifications in 2.4
14:45 - 15:10

Tanja Hohenstatt

Monitoring without notifications is like a computer without a screen. But, alerts are also the bane of monitoring. Getting notifications right to avoid alert fatigue or useless notifications is essential. Checkmk's notification system is incredibly powerful, but comes with a steep learning curve.

With Checkmk 2.4, we will rework the Checkmk notifications, so that you'll love it.  

What's next for Checkmk
15:40 - 17:00

Martin Hirschvogel

Kick back after two days of in-depth updates, and get a sneak peek at our longer term plans for Checkmk, and how we think of our strategic roadmap.